Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Adpoted Chinchillas

We had an email a few days ago from a chin owner who had to relocate her chinchillas due to new family commitments. So we picked them up yesterday :)

here are the new additions

Star, a standard grey female born on March of 2008

Cotton, a pink white female, born on Febuary of 2008

Clay, a Hetro-Beige male, born on Jan of 2008

Earl, a standard grey male, born on the 10th of May 2010

We left one of our girls with her as she was looking for a suitable companion for her 4 year old ebony female chin. They got along pretty well and so we left her with her new companion.

Good bye little baby :) see you in the future.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

New Arrivals!!!

Yesterday whilst routinely cleaning up the area where the chins live in, We noticed a small tiny tail wriggling.

Unaware that any chins are pregnant, we were surprised to find twins!!

We have transferred the babies and mum along with elder sister over to a different cage.

More pictures and updates to follow.