Thursday, 2 June 2011

Pictures of the new additions

Well I managed to take some picture of the kits that were born this week and last.

First off, we have the our new violet chin Mio with mum and dad :) Looks like parents are grooming baby Mio :)

In another cage, Peach and James are proud parents of 5 baby kits!!!

Managed to lure mum away for a moment to get this picture. She came back shortly after and so couldnt take another clearer one. We'll wait till they are about a week old before taking some proper pictures of them :)

Friday, 27 May 2011

News from NEC(North East Chins)

Well, I have not been doing much of an updating since Easter. Much have occurred since then :)

Here are the new developments.

James & Winnie have a Hetro Beige Boy

Clay & Cotton have 3 Pink White kits, 2 female and 1 male

Clay & Star have a standard grey boy and a hetro beige girl

Karl & Bubbles' kits are ready to leave mum this week

and finally,

Lambo & Flo have a violet kit this morning :)

Looks like its the chinchilla mating season lol

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Easter Holiday Break

Dear all, I will be away to sunny Singapore from 23rd of April till 6th of May. Do contact me via email if you have any queries and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Happy Easter Holidays to everyone :) Hope you guys have a great time too.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Baby week

Prior to our latest blurb, Yet another chin has given birth. Must be mating season lol.

Anyway Cotton has given birth to 3 pink white kits yesterday (2 female and 1 male)

All doing well, Cotton and Star are helping out nursing one another's kits which is quite sweet of them :P

Will add some pictures when they are more comfortable with me moving them or touching them :)

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

New Developments & New Arrivals

Its been a busy month this month as 2 females have give birth to kits.

James & Winnie are now proud parents of a newly born Hetro-Beige Male kit

Clay & Star have also produced 2 kits, a female hetro-beige and a standard grey male kit.

Meanwhile Cotton is pregnant and is likely to give birth soon.

depending on the situation, we might have some chins available for sale. Thank you all for your queries lately.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

2 kits born to Bubble - 18th March 2011

Bubble gave birth to her first set of twins yesterday morning. She is doing fine at the moment and we have managed to get a picture of her after arriving home from work yesterday.

2 standard grey kits born to Karl and Bubble. We will determine their gender at a later stage.

Here's a picture of mum having a mini-bite and babies suckling.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Bubbles pregnant

Earl's partner Bubbles is pregnant and she looks very big and swollen. As this is her first pregnancy, lets pray everything goes smoothly for her. Expected delivery date would be sometime late march or early april.

Will need to prepare the cage for the babies and remove dad as well as she is quite fierce towards him.

more updates on her as we go along :)

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Chinchilla ready for collection this weekend

To all who reserved chinchillas ready for collection this weekend. Please drop me an sms to confirm the date and time which you would like to come down to collect your chinchilla(s). Thank you very much and hope to see you soon :)

Monday, 10 January 2011

New Resident Chinchilla

We took in a new chinchilla, Bert a few months ago but we have not introduced him on the site. He is a elderly chin, about 12 years old.

He does look a little scruffy but is eating and drinking properly. He particularly likes to chew willow sticks to little bits and enjoy eating hay much more than pellets.

I was hoping that his fur would improve over time and he will look fluffy once again.

He doesnt like being held very much at the moment and is reluctant to come out from his cage. I have tried to introduce him to one of my other young chins but I guess he prefers to stay along and watch the world go by.

Will put more updates about him as we monitor his progress. :)

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Chinchilla Kits reserved

We have a last chinchilla kit who isn't reserved (yes, all others have been reserved already) and he is the standard grey male chinchilla, born to star and clay. He will be ready on the 21st of march 2011.

Meanwhile i do not foresee any more kits being born until maybe march or april period. Thank you all for your interest and support so far :)