Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Star has given birth (27th Dec 2010)

Star, our standard grey chinchilla has given birth to 2 healthy male baby kits. One of them is a hetro-beige and the other is a standard grey. We'll get some pictures up once they start running around.

Merry X'mas and Happy New Year to everyone, (Chinchillas and Humans alike :P)

Monday, 13 December 2010

Ready in 2011

New kits available in the upcoming year. 

1) Beige male born on the 22nd of November. 2nd from the left. We will determine if he is a homo or hetro beige as he grows older as his fur is not fully matured yet

Star, the chinchilla in the middle is pregnant and we are watching her carefully to see her new kits :)

Monday, 6 December 2010

For sale :)

We have 2 chinchillas for sale and they are ready for collection.

First off is Kelvin, a HetroBeige male chinchilla. He is born on the 21st of August 2008 and is 2 years old. He is not a large chinchilla, and loves running on the exercise wheel. I believe he is the only chinchilla which jogs regularly.

He is a very fast runner and is very active once out of his cage. relatively tame but does not like to be handled too often. If you sit quietly, he will hop on you and allow you to feed it treats or pet it. 

He is pretty greedy and tends to eat rather quickly, often gobbling down treats such as raisin or his wheat bites.

He is for sale for £60.

Next is our resident favourite, Shadow. He is a Golden Mosaic and is born on the 23rd of August 2010 and is about 15 weeks old. He is very tame and will sit on your lap watching the world go by if he is bored. Or if you feed him a mini wheat bite, he will sit on your lap quietly and eat it all up.

He is handled everyday and very tame (once he gets to know you). He has no problems about being approached or picked up.

Although he is tame, he is active when let out to run and will jump and climb all over the place, exploring every corner of the room.

He is for sale for £70

Feel free to come down to have a look at them or feel free to email or contact me if you have any questions :)

Monday, 22 November 2010

Pink White (Homo) & Hetro Beige

Pictures taken of mum (Cotton) and 2 babies, Mum's doing well and so are the new kits. Didnt want to disturb them from resting so I only took pictures from the outside of their house. Might take more when the kits start running around.


new arrivals

Cotton have given birth to kit(s) today and we have got a new violet chin in our herd. Cotton's doing well and we might be able to see how many kits there are when we get back today.

More news and Pics later :)

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Pictures of new kits

Finally gotten down to taking pictures of the new... well not so new as they are 3 weeks old. Nevertheless, managed to take some pictures of them.

They will be ready on the 16th on January 2011. Reservations are welcome. Do come make an appointment with us should you want to have a look at them. Enjoy :)

Monday, 15 November 2010

NEW Forum

We have added a new forum to our website today. Please feel free to join the Forum for discussions with all experienced chinchilla owners.

I will be posting latest news and any other information which will help prospective chinchilla owners with their chinchillas.

Hope to see you guys there :)

Click Here for Forum

Monday, 1 November 2010

Hetrozygous Beige Chin reserved

Out hetrozygous-beige has been reserved. Meanwhile other 3 chinchillas will be ready in January 2011. They are doing fine and suckling at the moment. Would be buyers are welcome to view they but note that they will only be ready to leave their mum at 12 weeks old (minimum)

Will post more on them at a later date.

Here are some pics of the chinchillas at 10 weeks old.

Sunday Morning

Woke up this morning and found the 2 teenage chinchillas very active and hopping around. Decided to take a video of them bathing.

They normally use the plastic chinchilla bath house but i found the design to be not very good as the opening is in front and when they roll about, most of the powder/dust will fly out and be wasted.

So I decided to improvise and use a biscuit tin, which is better than the designated chinchilla bah bouse sold in pet stores.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Reccommended: Essential Guide to Owning a Chinchilla

To all prospective owners of chinchillas, I would recommend you pick up a copy of this. It has all information you need to get you started with understanding your new pet & friend.

This book is one of the best and is very detailed. You can pick this up from and it costs about £8 (or £6 incl postage if you dont mind getting a used copy)

A little update on the chinc/kits, 2 of them, will be ready to leave mum on 15th November. They are born on 23rd of August. They are as follows:

a) Hetro-Beige Male, £70
b) Homo-Beige Male, £70

Other 3 chins born will be ready on 16th January
a) Standard Grey Male, £65
b) Standard Grey Male, £65
c) Hetro-Beige Male, £70

That's all for now. I will be posting pictures of them as soon as possible.

Monday, 25 October 2010

3 New arrivals

We have 3 new arrivals yesterday. They are 2 Standard Greys and a Hetro Beige. We decided not to sex them yet as they are still suckling and mum is tired and tending to them. Pictures to follow soon :)

In the meantime we suspect Cotton, our pink white chin is pregnant... more updates to follow.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Back from holidays

We have just came back from our 1 month holiday. Apologies to everyone if we have not been able to answer your queries and questions.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

recent developments in Chin-World

     After a week, Bubbles and Earl have got acustomed to one another and are not "fence fighting" anymore. Will observe them and see if they are ready to have the pop hole opened. Hope they both get used to each other.

Meanwhile, the 2 kits born on the 23rd of August are doing fine and are running and jumping all over the cage. Mum is doing fine as well. Had their first out of the cage explore yesterday.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Adpoted Chinchillas

We had an email a few days ago from a chin owner who had to relocate her chinchillas due to new family commitments. So we picked them up yesterday :)

here are the new additions

Star, a standard grey female born on March of 2008

Cotton, a pink white female, born on Febuary of 2008

Clay, a Hetro-Beige male, born on Jan of 2008

Earl, a standard grey male, born on the 10th of May 2010

We left one of our girls with her as she was looking for a suitable companion for her 4 year old ebony female chin. They got along pretty well and so we left her with her new companion.

Good bye little baby :) see you in the future.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

New Arrivals!!!

Yesterday whilst routinely cleaning up the area where the chins live in, We noticed a small tiny tail wriggling.

Unaware that any chins are pregnant, we were surprised to find twins!!

We have transferred the babies and mum along with elder sister over to a different cage.

More pictures and updates to follow.

Friday, 4 June 2010

All reserved

Sorry to say, all chinchillas have been reserved. Do be patient as we try to get the next batch of kits along. I estimate it to be about sometime in October before any new kits will be available.

Thank you for your interest and support :)

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

2 left

only 2 hetrobeige female chinchillas are left. all the rest have been sold. Thank you for viewing.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

I've managed to take a couple of pics of the kits that are still available.

Standard Grey Female

Homobeige/White Male

HetroBeige Female Twins

Random shot of them all together (except 1 who is hiding somewhere else :P)

Monday, 24 May 2010

2 left.

Update - only the following are left

Male HomoBeige/White
Female Standard Grey

Our other female has given birth to 2 female HetroBeiges and will be ready on 25th July. 1 of them have been reserved (deposit pending and pictures uploading)

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Quadplets born to "Princess"

4 baby chins were born on 11th of April to our chinchilla "Princess" she was very big and very pregnant before giving birth to them and we have never expected her to have 4 babies which was a surprise.

We have 4 babies now 1 standard grey and 3 beiges (although 1 of them seem to be more white than beige. Maybe his fur colour will change as he grows older. They are handled regularly and are pretty tame.

They will be ready to leave mum and will be for sale on 27th of June. They are not named yet so you can name them when you purchase them.

Prices are £60 each or £100 for a pair.

Standard Grey (female)
Homo Beige 1 (female)
Homo Beige 2 (female)
homo beige/white (male)